Short Notes on QDR Memories - Answer to a Question: Question: What is the relation between burst size and access (address) rate in QDR SRAM's? Answer: Let us call "burst time" the duration of one write-burst's data on the D bus, which equals the duration of one read-burst's data on the Q bus. Due to DDR timing on the D and Q buses, the burst time is: * For burst-of-4, it is 4 half-cycles = 2 clock cycles; * For burst-of-2, it is 2 half-cycles = 1 clock cycle. Each burst consists of *consecutive* data words, hence a single address is needed and suffices for the access to this burst. During each burst time, the Address bus must supply *both* the write-address for the write-burst and the read-address for the read-burst. Hence, in the case of burst-of-2, as in slide 19, the address bus must supply 2 addresses in every 1 clock cycle (=1 burst time), i.e. it must use DDR timing. In the case of burst-of-4, as in slide 20, the address bus must supply 2 addresses in every 2 clock cycles (=1 burst time), thus it can use simple (non DDR) timing. Thus, for an given fixed clock frequency, the address throughput (which equals the sum of the "independent write" (50%) plus "independent read" (the other 50%) access rate), is twice larger in burst-of-2 devices, than it is in burst-of-4 devices: Increasing the burst size is equivalent to increasing the access width, which is an easy way to increase the data throughput under a given fixed access rate, or to decrease the access rate under a given fixed data throughput.... 7 March 2011, M. Katevenis.